TENNIS WTA MONTREAL – 8th of August 2014. E. Makarova d. C. Vandeweghe 6-1, 4-6, 6-1. An interview with Ekaterina Makarova
Q. Today was not such an easy match. How did you manage to pull it through?
EKATERINA MAKAROVA: Such easy, you said?
Q. Not an easy match. It was a difficult match.
EKATERINA MAKAROVA: Yeah, uhm, well, she’s now really in a good shape. She’s hitting so hard. She’s so aggressive, serving really good.
It was really tough to stay calm, solid, don’t be scary, you know, just to try to play your game, more active like she is.
So I think the first and third set, it was more my game, like I dictated my game. I’m really happy that I came through.
Q. Did you notice she was getting tired and played accordingly?
EKATERINA MAKAROVA: No, I didn’t think about it, that she is tired. You mean that she was playing two matches before?
Q. Yes.
EKATERINA MAKAROVA: I didn’t think about it because she is playing really quick points, like two great shots. So we didn’t really run so much.
I think it was just more about the concentration and who is more aggressive.
Q. What are you most happy about this whole week?
EKATERINA MAKAROVA: I didn’t think about it.
I don’t know. I’m really enjoying to be in Montréal, to spend my time with my mom. I came quite late from Washington so I didn’t have a lot of times just to walk around or do something else. I’m just playing every day. I’m playing doubles and singles, so it’s quite busy schedule this week. But I’m happy.
I’m really enjoying to play here. I don’t know, go out there and fight.
Q. You played well today, have a great all around game. What is your favorite surface?
EKATERINA MAKAROVA: What is my favorite?
Q. Your favorite surface.
EKATERINA MAKAROVA: Well, I think I like more grass and hard court. I want to play on grass more than three tournaments, yeah. But I like when it’s fast, so… Definitely grass and hard court.
Q. How much of a comfort is it for you to have your mother around?
EKATERINA MAKAROVA: It’s really comfort. I don’t know. I don’t spend so much time with my mom. Yeah, I’m traveling more with the coach.
These two weeks, it’s happen because my coach had holidays with her family. I’m really enjoying, you know. At the juniors I traveled more with my mom. It’s kind of difficult when you spend more time with parents. But now when I don’t spend as much time with my parents, I’m really enjoying that moment. It’s everything comfortable.